Chinese education system

China has long been known as one of the world's oldest and most cultured countries. Nowadays, China is well-known as a thriving economy and technology and a high quality education and training that is really practical to the economic and social development. Association of Vietnam. Therefore, more and more Vietnamese students come to study in China.

China's education system consists of three levels: primary, secondary and higher education (college, university and postgraduate).

Elementary school lasts for 6 years and is compulsory education compulsory.

+ High school includes high school and vocational secondary school. Senior high school is 6 years of middle and high school. Three years of vocational training are provided by three types of schools: Professional Intermediate, Technical and Vocational Training.

Higher education usually consists of four different professions, run by state and private schools.

Education in China is changing in line with developed countries. State-owned universities must also self-finance and no longer be subsidized by the state. The quality of education and methods have also changed in line with the development of the Chinese economy. China now accepts a large number of international students to study languages ​​and other science and socio-economic studies. In most universities, the academic and academic conditions of the students are as good as in the developed world.